Browsing tools

4 min

Browsing tools allow you to query the S3 API without too many abstractions. These tools are particularly suitable for debug, backups, website deployments or any scripted task that need to handle data.

Minio clientRecommended
AWS CLIRecommended
WinSCP (libs3)CLI instructions only

Minio client

Use the following command to set an "alias", i.e. define a new S3 server to be used by the Minio client:

mc alias set \
  garage \
  <endpoint> \
  <access key> \
  <secret key> \
  --api S3v4

Remember that mc is sometimes called mcli (such as on Arch Linux), to avoid conflicts with Midnight Commander.

Some commands:

# list buckets
mc ls garage/

# list objets in a bucket
mc ls garage/my_files

# copy from your filesystem to garage
mc cp /proc/cpuinfo garage/my_files/cpuinfo.txt

# copy from garage to your filesystem
mc cp garage/my_files/cpuinfo.txt /tmp/cpuinfo.txt

# mirror a folder from your filesystem to garage
mc mirror --overwrite ./book garage/


Create a file named ~/.aws/credentials and put:


Then a file named ~/.aws/config and put:


Now, supposing Garage is listening on, you can list your buckets with:

aws s3 ls

If you're using awscli <1.29.0 or <2.13.0, you need to pass --endpoint-url to each CLI invocation explicitly. As a workaround, you can redefine the aws command by editing the file ~/.bashrc in this case:

function aws { command aws --endpoint-url $@ ; }

Do not forget to run source ~/.bashrc or to start a new terminal before running the next commands.

Now you can simply run:

# list buckets
aws s3 ls

# list objects of a bucket
aws s3 ls s3://my_files

# copy from your filesystem to garage
aws s3 cp /proc/cpuinfo s3://my_files/cpuinfo.txt

# copy from garage to your filesystem
aws s3 cp s3/my_files/cpuinfo.txt /tmp/cpuinfo.txt


rclone can be configured using the interactive assistant invoked using rclone config.

You can also configure rclone by writing directly its configuration file. Here is a template rclone.ini configuration file (mine is located at ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf):

type = s3
provider = Other
env_auth = false
access_key_id = <access key>
secret_access_key = <secret key>
region = <region>
endpoint = <endpoint>
force_path_style = true
acl = private
bucket_acl = private

Now you can run:

# list buckets
rclone lsd garage:

# list objects of a bucket aggregated in directories
rclone lsd garage:my-bucket

# copy from your filesystem to garage
echo hello world > /tmp/hello.txt
rclone copy /tmp/hello.txt garage:my-bucket/

# copy from garage to your filesystem
rclone copy garage:quentin.divers/hello.txt .

# see all available subcommands
rclone help

Advice with rclone: use the --fast-list option when accessing buckets with large amounts of objects. This will tremendously accelerate operations such as rclone sync or rclone ncdu by reducing the number of ListObjects calls that are made.


Here is a template for the s3cmd.cfg file to talk with Garage:

access_key = <access key>
secret_key = <secret key>
host_base = <endpoint without http(s)://>
host_bucket = <same as host_base>
use_https = <False or True>

And use it as follow:

# List buckets
s3cmd ls

# s3cmd objects inside a bucket
s3cmd ls s3://my-bucket

# copy from your filesystem to garage
echo hello world > /tmp/hello.txt
s3cmd put /tmp/hello.txt s3://my-bucket/

# copy from garage to your filesystem
s3cmd get s3://my-bucket/hello.txt hello.txt


Configure a credentials file as follows:

export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION='garage'
export AWS_ENDPOINT='http://localhost:3900'

After adding these environment variables in your shell, s5cmd can be used with:

s5cmd --endpoint-url=$AWS_ENDPOINT ls

See its usage output for other commands available.

Cyberduck & duck

Both Cyberduck (the GUI) and duck (the CLI) have a concept of "Connection Profiles" that contain some presets for a specific provider.

Within Cyberduck, a Garage connection profile is available within the Preferences -> Profiles section. This can enabled and then connections to Garage may be configured.

Instuctions for the CLI

To configure duck (Cyberduck's CLI tool), start by creating its folder hierarchy:

mkdir -p ~/.duck/profiles/

Then, save the connection profile for Garage in ~/.duck/profiles/garage.cyberduckprofile. To set your credentials in ~/.duck/credentials, use the following commands to generate the appropriate string:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="GK..."
export HOST="s3.garage.localhost"
export PORT="4443"
export PROTOCOL="https"

cat > ~/.duck/credentials <<EOF

And finally, I recommend appending a small wrapper to your ~/.bashrc to avoid setting the username on each command (do not forget to replace GK... by your access key):

function duck { command duck --username GK... $@ ; }

Finally, you can then use duck as follow:

# List buckets
duck --list garage:/

# List objects in a bucket
duck --list garage:/my-files/

# Download an object
duck --download garage:/my-files/an-object.txt /tmp/object.txt

# Upload an object
duck --upload /tmp/object.txt garage:/my-files/another-object.txt

# Delete an object
duck --delete garage:/my-files/an-object.txt

WinSCP (libs3)

You can find instructions on how to use the GUI in french in our wiki.

How to use, the CLI interface of WinSCP:

open s3://GKxxxxx:yyyyyyy@ -certificate=* -rawsettings S3DefaultRegion=garage S3UrlStyle=1
ls my-files/
get my-files/an-object.txt Z:\tmp\object.txt
put Z:\tmp\object.txt my-files/another-object.txt
rm my-files/an-object


  • It seems WinSCP supports only TLS connections for S3
  • -certificate=* allows self-signed certificates, remove it if you have valid certificates


sftpgo needs a database to work, by default it uses sqlite and does not require additional configuration. You can then directly init it:

sftpgo initprovider

Then you can directly launch the daemon that will listen by default on :8080 (http) and :2022 (ssh):

sftpgo serve

Go to the admin web interface (http://[::1]:8080/web/admin/), create the required admin account, then create a user account. Choose a username (eg: ada) and a password.

In the filesystem section, choose:

  • Storage: AWS S3 (Compatible)
  • Bucket: your bucket name
  • Region: garage (or the one you defined in config.toml)
  • Access key: your access key
  • Access secret: your secret key
  • Endpoint: your endpoint, eg. https://garage.example.tld, note that the protocol (https here) must be specified. Non standard ports and http have not been tested yet.
  • Keep the default values for other fields
  • Tick "Use path-style addressing". It should work without ticking it if you have correctly configured your instance to use URL vhost-style.

Now you can access your bucket through SFTP:

sftp -P2022 ada@[::1]

And through the web interface at http://[::1]:8080/web/client